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Preparation for university entrance

PEP English offers preparation from A to Z for your university entrance in an English-speaking country.

Combining private or group lessons with individual sessions, our comprehensive 45 week programme consists of 3 stages:

Defining your choices and needs:

  • Initial interview

  • English level assessment 

  • Careful analysis of admission data 

  • Academic plan and overview of the admission process (country, system)

  • Defined exams, dates and timetable

  • Academic guidance and suggestions

Preparing your application

  • Define your skills 

  • Highlighting your experience in relation to your future goals

  • The 3 Cs: Captivate, connect and cultivate

  • Academic writing

  • Formal register

  • Setting up application portals  

  • Interview preparation

Preparing for entrance exams

  • Advice and preparation for exams that are required in your application, such as


  • TOEFL.

  • Cambridge: TSA, BMAT, MAT, STEP, 

  • SATs/ACT (verbal and maths)


Modular packages to suit your specific needs:

Book a one-off session with our expert

This session is for you if you have already identified the universities you want to apply to and want to:

  • have your cover letter and application file reviewed by a specialist

  • get advice and tips for the admission interview

  • find answers to specific questions about your application.

Make an appointment for a needs analysis

Our flexible support (from a few months to 2 years) is made for you if you need a complete support to:

  • define the universities you wish to apply to

  • Prepare your application and interview

  • Prepare for the university entrance exams

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